
Cities with lush and vibrant vegetation in, on and around buildings and communities are the future, for they can protect us from extreme weather, while directly supporting our mental and physical well being. 

Nature in the City Week is an opportunity for you to learn, discover new green areas in the Toronto region, and celebrate existing nature based solutions, such as wetlands and forests, as well as engineered green infrastructure, like green roofs, green walls, bioswales, and parks in your communities. During Nature in the City Week, you can benefit from learning more about the many green spaces in your community - through a series of sponsored walks and talks.  


Sunday, November 3 - Saturday, Nov. 9 2024


Across Toronto & Virtually


All programming free of charge. 


Visit the full Nature In the City Week events calendar to register

Learn about and celebrate the progress towards a more sustainable future being made in the Toronto region.

  • Learn about the history and longevity of green infrastructure

  • Visit stunning examples of incorporating nature into the urban fabric

  • Discover the health benefits of incorporating green space into our urban spaces

  • See how nature can benefit our urban communities

  • Meet like minded individuals and organizations

What is “Nature In The City”?

Nature In the City refers to the vast array of natural assets incorporated into our urban fabric that contribute to the healthy functionality and robust ecosystems of our City. From natural infrastructure to recreational parks to the biodiversity that supports us, these elements are crucial components to human health and wellbeing, climate resilience, and natural splendor.

Join us this fall for Nature In the City Week and learn about the many ways in which our city is implementing natural solutions to enhance the public realm and create a more resilient city.


Nature in the City Week is being co-hosted and sponsored by:

For information regarding sponsorship opportunities contact conference@greenroofs.org   

Participating Organizations