Join us for Nature in the City Week

Are you a green infrastructure expert or enthusiast? Do you have a project or place that people need to see? Do you have an innovative idea to share with the public at large? Join us and be a part of the first annual Nature in the City Week, a celebration of green infrastructure right here in Toronto from November 3-9!

You are invited to participate as a partner in this pilot Nature in the City Week! We’re looking for in-person or online opportunities to connect people with the power of green infrastructure in their community as well as promotional support through your existing social media channels.

Some programming ideas include:  

  • Lecture / Presentation - Share an idea, development, or best practice

  • Q&A Session - Hold a discussion on a topic or technology

  • Walking Tour - Highlight a project or site

Why Participate?

  • Promote yourself as a green infrastructure leader in the Greater Toronto Area

  • Support knowledge sharing around the green infrastructure community

  • Connect with professionals and interested community members

  • Raise the profile of success stories from the region

  • Share your idea or best practice with a new audience

For information regarding sponsorship opportunities contact or download the Nature in the City Week Sponsorship Brochure


Nature in the City Week is being co-hosted and sponsored by:

For information regarding sponsorship opportunities contact 

Participating Organizations